Sunday, February 14, 2016

Three Models

Causal and Functional models attempt to identify the causes that lead a set of consequences that flow from a critical event. The multifactor analysis, another common way to analyze causality in systems, is common where it is difficult to identify a chain of events that are causally related. This could be good for the Zika model because there are multiple factors that contribute to the transmission of the virus.

Among behavioral models, system-dynamics include variables that can increase or decrease. There are also usually feedback loops throughout the system of variables. Climate models are constructed as system-dynamics models, but I think they can be applied to Zika because the virus is a loop kept going by the continuous rate of infected people.

Situation-action model can be used to describe the actions of Zika. The Zika situation can change either because the world changes or because action is taken against it. There are a ton of hypothetical situations we can think of with Zika since we are still learning about the virus so the situation action model could trace out what we know and see the effects.

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