Monday, March 28, 2016

Epistemic Games and ADI

Critical-event analysis would work with ADI activities. This model centers on a particular event and attempts to identify the causes that led to that event or the consequences of it. You could pick a scientific event and identify the causes and consequences of it. This could apply to a number of things but what came to mind for an ADI activity is teaching about plant organs. You could show a class celery that have different colors in it’s xylem and phloem and talk through how they think that happened. Then you could do a lab experiment where you put a plant or celery again in colored water and see how it affects water intake. It produces an argumentation session because students may have different theories about how the colors travel through the celery. Then they could do a short write up with correct information about how the xylem and phloem carry nutrients. Students could review each other’s work and then we could wrap up with a discussion about what we learned through critical event analysis and how we identified the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

Aggregate-behavior models could work very well with ADI activities since they are constructed to explain behavior in the physical sciences. This model focuses on processes that have various possible interactions. You could do chemical experiments with this model. Students can come up with possible reactions of chemicals to different chemicals which allows for argumentation. Then you could experiment to see the real reactions. The students could then do a write up about what they observed and why the chemicals might have reacted as they did. Peer review would help if the students accidentally mixed up the chemical with its right reaction or something of that nature. Then you could wrap up and discuss what we observed and why.

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