My activity focuses on preparing students to
succeed on the performance indicator 3210.3.1. This indicator asks students in
biology I in the flow of matter and energy unit to be able to interpret a
diagram that illustrates energy flow in an ecosystem.
I envision most students developing and
presenting an agent-based model that displays the relationships between a
producer, a consumer, and a predator. This 3-tier predator prey relationship could
include graphs to help analyze variables in the system.
One graph could display the average energy of
populations, so, assuming that the code incorporates the fact that only ten
percent of energy is transferred between trophic levels, students could then
see how producers, consumers, and then predators have the most, less, and the
least amounts of energy in a simple system.
Another graph could display the number of agents
in each population. In conjunction with various buttons, ones that add or
delete agents of each trophic level, students can investigate the effects of
removing or adding agents to a trophic level. For example, by adding many more
producers after a steady population has been reached, students can see that with
more producers, consumers have more food and can reproduce more, then allowing
the predator population to grow.
After developing models (probably in small
groups), students would be encouraged to present their models to the class for
critique and subsequent revision. Students would be free to choose any
producer, consumer, and predator and could even choose a consumer, a predator,
and a predator to the initial predator as long as there is a clear progression
of energy through the model.
Besides developing an agent-based model,
students could also investigate energy flow in ecosystems using a simpler food
web. Using this model, students could still successfully investigate how removing
or adding trophic levels could affect the number of individuals in other
trophic levels.
To spur model development, I would ask a series
of specific questions. To promote argument-driven inquiry, I would more or less
follow the specific series of steps. I would first help students in a class discussion
identify the task (investigating the flow of energy in ecosystems); I could
create a desire to investigate this phenomenon by asking students during the
class discussion to hypothesize why there are so many producers, plants, algae,
etc., while there are comparatively fewer consumers and even less predators
(generally speaking). To generate population size and energy data, I would
direct students to use agent-based modeling; alternatively, students could
search for food web data online.
At this point, I would ask students to break
into small groups and produce tentative arguments to explain the phenomenon of
energy transfer in ecosystems. Then, students could present their ideas in
groups and then work to critique others and refine their own explanations.
Lastly, I would direct students to reflect on this process of argument-driven
inquiry with questions such as “How did creating and then refining a hypothesis
promote understanding?” and “How might you work in the future to maintain a
routine of revision and self-critique?” In this way, students are engaged in
inquiry and an atmosphere that values evidence and critical thinking is
One of the key advantages of ADI is offering
students the chance to be incorrect, i.e. in their initial hypotheses, without
the fear of punishments, i.e. failing grades, usually associated with being
incorrect. In this way, students can realize that being wrong can lead to new
insights through subsequent reflection and revision! Another advantage of this
system is the focus on creating the desire for students to resolve natural
phenomena rather than simply replicating textbook knowledge.
I think your question about how students may maintain a routine of revision and self-critique is an important one--I know we have discussed a few different computer-based models in some of the readings that contained metacognitive functions already built-in, but it's crucial to make sure that kids are engaging in these types of meta-modeling practices even when they aren't being specifically prompted to do so.