found it interesting that many aspects of the 2013 NGSS standards were reflected
in Hestenes research from over 20 years prior. It appears that the NGSS
practices have been under consideration for quite some time, yet, like most
institutional and pedagogical change, the process of implementing these
practices in a modern classroom setting has been relatively slow. In this
paper, Hestenes uses historical examples of theory, model building, and thought
games (here, with a special focus on physics) to demonstrate important
scientific modeling principles that can be incorporated in a classroom setting.
Ideally, Hestenes recommends a shift towards “model-centered instruction”—for him,
model construction and revision are fundamental to the teaching of structural and
conceptual rules that occur in the physical world.
The current
NGSS suggested practices reveal a heavy overlap with Hestenes’ concept of student-centered
learning. One reason why Hestenes is such a strong proponent of model-centered
instruction is because, “It encourages
reflective thinking, leading students to insights into their own thinking
processes. In short, it promotes intellectual independence” (Hestenes, 1992). With
respect to the NGSS K-12 science classroom practices, this model-construction
and reflective thinking is mirrored in their focus on, “Developing and using
models…[and] constructing explanations” (NGSS, 2013). Hestenes further
describes the role of deploying “experimental games” in the classroom, in which
students are required to test and justify the models they create. This practice
aligns perfectly with NGSS’ requirement that students be able to engage in
evidence-based arguments. By observing models in action, and, as Hestenes suggests,
undergoing multiple rounds of model deployment, data collection, and revision, students
can authentically engage in the epistemic culture of science.
what I think Hestenes’ framework lacks is an outlet for mathematical and computational
thinking. Of course, this article was written in the early 1990’s, and we have
made incredible advances in technology since that time; however, given Hestenes
focus on physical science, it seemed like a missed opportunity to not
incorporate mathematical equations as possible models for physical phenomena.
Students could possibly create their own mathematical models for a given
phenomenon, test that phenomenon through a physical experiment, and then revise
their mathematical model as needed. This is just an initial thought, and I’m
not sure how practical a process like that would be in a high school classroom,
but it is one potential way to address NGSS’ inclusion of mathematical and
computational thinking.
Overall, Hestenes’ support for model-centered
instruction reminded me of the utility of social constructivism, a theory of
social-oriented learning that I learned about in Educational Psychology. Lev Vygotsky’s social constructivism insists
that knowledge is constructed internally, yet students are dependent on
external social and academic resources for that construction. I believe that
this type of learning empowers the student to create their own schema for
knowledge, yet encourages collaboration and external research as the vehicles
for individual knowledge construction. Through the type of model-centered
instruction that Hestenes proposes, teachers can address some key NGSS
practices while engaging students in effective social learning.
I think we can finally crown Hestnes as the god father of modeling standards and incorporation into the school system. Yet I would like to see who it was the put the NGSS standards together and what direct link they had to Hestnes. Did they study under him ? Did he lead a seminar that they attended? How was his reaserch directly translated to the U.S. and why did it take 30 years to be implemented?