Monday, March 14, 2016


    Number 12 on page 12 of Biology I Form 5, on heredity, says "Hemophilia is a sex-linked genetic disease. If a male with hemophilia and a homozygous normal female have a female child, what is the probability that the child with be a carrier for hemophilia?"
    For identification of task for a hereditary lesson I would first make connections between past and present lessons to get the students thinking about what they already know about genes and how that knowledge applies to this new lesson. I then would give a handout with a brief introduction and researchable question to answer or task to complete. I could use the exact question from the TCAP because that if a good problem to get the students thinking about genetic connections.
    For generation of data, I would allow group work in order to work through the question. I would steer students in a productive direction by giving them "getting started" instructions, such as make a family tree, or a pedigree analysis. I would walk around to answer questions. I would also ask probing questions such as "do you have enough information to support your ideas?" Asking thought provoking questions would provide opportunities to try, fail, and try again which is essential to learning.
    Next, for production of tentative argument, I would allow time for each group to share their ideas with class. I would give chart paper or allow writing on the white board in order for the group to be able to provide their justifiable evidence for the whole class to see. Through discussion and explantion, students would be able to determine what is relevant, evaluate competing ideas, and throw out what they don't need.
    For the interactive argumentation session the students will be able to further negotiate and adopt more explanations. This session would expose students to different perspectives and interpretations which would then spark new ideas and allow for more modifications.
    Then the class would create a written investigation report. In this they can explain why they got what they got by explaining the interactions within a pedigree depending on sex linked genes, recessive linked or dominant linked inheritance. This would help them understand that writing is important in science, because others in scientific community can use their work to help solve other cases. They would have to answer "what did you do and why? what is your argument? What did you find and why?" and writing down those answers would help the students organize their thoughts.
    Then I would allow for the double blind peer review where three or four people read other peer's labs. Other peoples perspectives on what is important and what was touched on too much or not enough. In this case, if the student didn't talk about specifically sex linked inheritance, that error could be caught and corrected through peer review.
    Next would be the revision process where students could improve writing and understand what is important to include in a final lab.

    Finally the reflective round table discussion would allow the whole class to come together and talk about what they learned through this process. We could think of ways students could improve their methods as well as consider other scenarios that deal with inheritance.

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